Q: what are the benefits of Shanghai company registration - making the address of the park?
A: about the benefits of Shanghai company registration - using the address of the park:
If you want to start a business in Shanghai and open your own company, one of the problems you have to deal with is the registered address. A company in Shanghai must have a compliant registered address for registration. Many people spend money on renting an office address. The cost of one year is not a small amount. Another way is to use the registered address of the park. Let's talk about this
Shanghai company registration - what are the benefits of using the address of the park?
1. No registered address fee is required
The address provided by the third party investment promotion zone is the address provided by the third party investment promotion zone. These addresses provided only exist for enterprise I business registration. Therefore, no matter in the downtown or suburban areas of Shanghai, China Merchants park will not charge any address fee. Therefore, in this sense, the virtual address for Shanghai company registration can save a lot of costs.
2. Preferential tax policy
As a policy provided by major development zones in Shanghai, if investors of Shanghai registered companies use it to start companies, they can usually enjoy a certain degree of tax rebate. The so-called "tax rebate" policy refers to that after the enterprise is registered, it applies for tax, purchases and pays tax, and then returns part of the tax paid to the company. This tax rebate policy is more common in Shanghai, but it is rare in other provinces and cities. Shanghai's tax rebate preferential policy is mainly for Shanghai's major parks, and there are few tax rebate preferential policies in urban areas.
3. Convenient change of business address
Many Shanghai companies use their rented office as their registered address. Once the enterprise needs to change its office address, the address provider will ask the enterprise to change its registered address. The change of the company's registered address takes a lot of time, and the relevant procedures are also very troublesome. If you choose virtual address registration when registering, there will be no such problem at all, which can save a lot of trouble. Shanghai company registration - the benefits of using the address of the park will be introduced here. If you plan to register a company in Shanghai, you can contact us for agent registration. Our park with in-depth cooperation can provide the registered address for entrepreneurs, and there are a group of experienced teams who can deal with Entrepreneurship and subsequent fiscal and tax questions for you Question.
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